What is a Managed WordPress hosting?

WordPress stands out as one of the most popular choices when it comes to building your web presence. More than 30% of all the websites are powered by WordPress. A big proportion of these websites are aided by managed WordPress hosting.

               Plenty of choices make WordPress the popular choice that it is today. First of all, it’s a free open-source service. Secondly, it has hundreds of plugins and themes that you can get for free or pay for them. And finally, WordPress has a big community, which makes finding online resources and answers to your questions easily accessible.

               However, it’s not easy to maintain a WordPress website. It’s a little bit challenging for beginners. WordPress is indeed easy to use but to confidently use this CMS (content management system), you need to learn many things. Another challenging thing about WordPress is the everlasting need for maintenance and regular updates. For a business owner, this can take a lot of time, and it requires technical knowledge, which makes them intimidated a little bit. The solution here is not to hire a WordPress expert. A better alternative is managed WordPress hosting.

               With Managed WordPress hosting, you can take care of the content that you aim to produce for your business, while your service provider takes care of all the technical stuff that you don’t need to learn how to do.

This post will explain what managed WordPress hosting is and its benefits.

First of all, what is managed WordPress hosting?

               Managed WordPress hosting is a wonderful solution for entrepreneurs who are very busy people. All they need is cheap WordPress hosting to take care of all the technical and administrative aspects of running a website.

               WordPress web hosting manages the installation, automated daily updates, software updates, server cashing, and cybersecurity.

               In other words, WordPress website hosting is the optimal solution for you that will allow you to focus on growing your business by taking care of your website for you.  

               Services like GoDaddy WordPress Hosting have proven to be very effective. For that reason, they have some note-worthy client testimonies.  

The difference between managed WordPress and self hosted WordPress?

By now, you might be thinking, is there a difference between managed WordPress and self-hosted WordPress? Let’s look at the differences.

Self hosted WordPress

With self hosted WordPress websites, you are in charge of running your website. It’s a tricky thing for website owners with no technical experience. It means you have to download and install WordPress on the hosting server, which is difficult for people who have no experience

Additionally, you have to know how to create a database if your host doesn’t offer one-click WordPress.  

Furthermore, self hosted WordPress doesn’t help you with selecting the best plugins and themes that will suit your website. The plugins are very necessary because they can run everything from collecting the contacts of your clients to optimize your website.

Finally, you will always have to keep everything updated. To put it simply self hosted WordPress is only a time-consuming matter that can be avoided.

Managed WordPress hosting

Managed WordPress hosting takes all the heavy lifting and handles it for you. You’ll have everything managed for you, which will save you a lot of time and perhaps more money.

Managed WordPress hosting takes care of all the manual backups, databases, and caching plugins. In other words, even if you’re not well-versed in the technicalities, managed WordPress hosting allows you to have a WordPress website easily.


               Running a WordPress website is not an easy game to play. You have to make sure that you’re running your business on something solid. Not having a smooth WordPress hosting provider is a big pain in the butt and a major headache.

               But, all can be avoided with a simple solution, which is cheap WordPress hosting. If you have a small business, all you need is $5 to start with. Of course, as you grow, your website has to grow with you, so you will have to find better alternatives to high-quality hosting. And by high-quality hosting, I mean Managed WordPress hosting, which has become the most popular option among WordPress users.

Categories: Hosting WordPress
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