The 7 Reasons WordPress Is the Ultimate Option For a Website

We live in a digital age where you just have to have an online presence if you want to exist. As a business owner, you have to put your business on the web to match up with the novel requirements. All of your competitors have websites, which makes having your own a necessity. 

However, you might not be able to hire a digital agency or a web developer to do the job for you, especially if you’re a small business. That’s where WordPress comes and saves the day. The reason why WordPress is the ultimate option for a website is its user-friendliness; anyone can learn easily how to manage the basics of maintaining a website with WordPress. No need for a developer. 

So, let’s find out 7 reasons that make WordPress the ultimate option for having a website. 

1. WordPress is Super-easy to Use

Aside from the easy UI and UX, content management and working with the features is quite easy with WordPress. Besides that, you can always refer to thousands of tutorials online to help with anything related to WordPress. 

If you’ve ever used programs like the Microsoft Office Suite, you’ll have no struggle getting used to the content posting UI of WordPress. Within a day or two, you’ll be able to advance your level of understanding. You can also install themes and plugins in no time with only a few clicks. And since you’ll be using visual builders, there’ll be no need to use HTML to code in WordPress. 

2. WordPress Requires a Short Learning Curve

Again, you learn quite easily how to play with WordPress and all its features. When you buy any premium theme, you’ll always have a set of documentation that will help you learn how to manipulate it to your liking. 

When you compare WordPress to other web development platforms, you find out that you need a little technical knowledge to get by. Only minimal knowledge of technicalities and SEO is enough to be able to customize any theme to your liking.  

3. WordPress Offers a Big Library of Themes

WordPress is the number one platform when it comes to its catalogue of themes with over 1 million themes available online. While not all of them are free, the premium ones are actually top-notch, which encourages you to buy them. You can start with a free theme to learn how to work with WordPress. And if you believe it’s time to upgrade, you can purchase one of the premium ones.

Premium themes are free from coding issues and errors and come with many good features. Ranging from $20 to $100, it’s not too expensive to invest in a premium theme, especially if you want your website to stand out. 

4. WordPress Comes with Lots of Plugins

Plugins make your website’s functionality a lot less complicated. Plugins come in really handy when you don’t want to hire a developer to manage your website. Many plugins make it easy to add features to your website that replace the function of a web developer. 

For example, there are Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plugins that help you make your website stand out. Usually, you’ll need an agency to do SEO work for you. But with many WordPress SEO plugins, you can do that on your own.  

5. WordPress Has One of the Best Community Supports Ever

Running into problems is not something unusual. When there’s a huge community surrounding a niche, you can always solve a problem with the help of the members of that community; such is the case with the WordPress community. 

Also, many themes and plugins have dedicated support teams that who’s job is to support you whenever there’s a need for that. 

There’s also a huge WordPress community on YouTube with videos that show you tutorials about anything related to WordPress.

6. SEO Is Super Easy with WordPress

Unless you have a very obscure business with a small niche following, you want your website to stand out in the search engine and generate traffic. It’s either you’re aiming to generate revenue from traffic, or you business needs attention to attract potential customers. Either way, traffic, and SEO are super important.

With WordPress and all it’s great themes and plugins, your website is predisposed to perform as far as SEO is concerned. Plugins such as Yoast SEO make it really easy to rank with search engines if you follow the instructions of good practice. 

7. WordPress is Pocket-friendly

When it comes to costs, WordPress is cost-effective. Almost everyone would agree that WordPress is the most reasonable web developing platform when it comes to costs. Even when you purchase the premium features, the total costs won’t exceed $250, including the domain and the hosting costs. Unless you have a big business that needs special hosting plans, you won’t need to spend much on it other than what’s necessary. 


WordPress is all you need to start a respectable online presence. It’s easy to use, and it doesn’t cost more than what’s necessary. With a managed WordPress hosting plan, you’ll be equipped to have a good online presence. 

And for more WordPress content, visit our dedicated WordPress blog section. You can find more blogs like Different Types of Web Hosting Explained! Shared Hosting vs. VPS Hosting vs. Dedicated Server. And remember to check our hosting recommendations if you want to start your own blog.

Categories: WordPress
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