Self-hosted WordPress: 8 Benefits of Self-Hosting

For any of you free-spirited people out there, who don’t want to be restricted by anything, a self-hosted WordPress website is what you’re looking for. It’s a great option that will allow you to customize your website better. And also, it will save you a few bucks each month with these 8 Benefits of Self-Hosting.

               All you have to do is to learn the basics of running a website. Those basics are not rocket science. Any person can intuitively understand the how-to’s and run her/his website quite easily.

                 Self-hosted WordPress is very beneficial if you’re the type of person who wants to own their things 100%. Here, we will explore the benefits of having a self-hosted WordPress.

Without further ado, here are the top 8 benefits of having a self-hosted website:

You get to own your personal domain name          


Perhaps, the most appealing thing about owning a self-hosted website is the fact that you get to have your own unique/personalized domain name. This is probably something that will benefit your business a lot.

               You may utilize online search tools that specialize in domains to get yourself and your website a professional and dependable home.

You can access private email ids

               The majority of self-hosted plans comes with personal email addresses and mailboxes. These email addresses will allow you to manage, customize, and control your correspondences. You’ll have forwarders, aliases, spam filters, and many other interesting features that you’ll definitely appreciate having.

Private email ids are also very professional and make things easier.

You won’t have any design or style restrictions

               With a self-hosted plan, you can customize your website however you want. There are no restrictions. To fully customize your website and control it effectively, you can add thousands of plugins and themes. They are available for all self-hosted users.

Self-hosted websites gain more profits

               Self-hosted WordPress means full control over your website. This statement means many things as we’ve discussed above. But, most importantly, you get to choose whether you want to display ads or not. If you choose to display them, all the revenue that you gain from those ads is yours to take. Also, you can make more money by saving from the cheap cost of self-hosted WordPress.

Self-hosted WordPress blogs can expand

               Flexibility is the game of self-hosted WordPress. Unlike managed WordPress hosting, self-hosted WordPress is much more flexible. Your website can grow bigger and bigger with no restrictions whatsoever, to worry about.

            Additionally, Self-hosted WordPress is scalable. You can always upgrade your website to handle more without busting your bank account. 

You get to have extra features

               Several features, which you cannot find of free WordPress hosting platforms, can be accessed through a self-hosted WordPress plan. Some of the most significant features include custom error pages, multi-site capabilities, FTP access, one-click installs of various top-notch applications, automated daily backups, and many more.

You get to have SEO benefits

               Creating a website with a self-hosted plan gives you the flexibility to improve your rank in the search engine. Hence, many investors also trust self-hosted websites with custom domain names. All of that will bring you more authority through backlinks and quality content.

             As we all know, SEO is very essential, and self-hosted WordPress allows for more freedom to fully benefit from it to expand your authority and business.  

Self-hosted WordPress has no hidden fees

               Self-hosted WordPress plans have no hidden fees. You get what you pay for, and it’s very cheap WordPress hosting. Free WordPress hosting may not allow you to have some important features unless you pay for them. And, ads are also very annoying with Free WordPress hosting. To remove them, you will have to pay some fees.


               Self-hosting is truly something you need to consider as a website owner. You will own your server, and everything falls under your control, be it the design or functionality. You will own your website without any restrictions.

               If you share our sentiments towards Self-hosted WordPress, please, feel free to drop a comment in the section below.

             Also, feel free to contact us if you have any inquiries about any of the subjects that we’ve covered in this article.

Categories: Hosting
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