4 Reasons Businesses Trust WordPress With Their Websites

Your web design company may recommend WordPress. As a matter of fact, WordPress is a favorite of many web design companies. It is a favorite among small business owners who forgo hiring a web design company in favor of DIY web design. There are four reasons WordPress is favored by your local web design company, and by many small business owners.

It’s Safe, Stable, and Secure

Cyber security is a priority for everyone. Even the Department of Defense recently released a statement about Cybersecurity, and the Cyber Security Maturity Model Certification: ‘CMMC has, and will remain a priority for the Department, and will safeguard our enterprise against cyber theft losses that cost our nation $100 billion annually, and $600 billion worldwide, equating to 1% of global GDP.”

WordPress takes security very seriously. The evolution of WordPress since 2003 has resulted in a highly secure platform that is continuously addressing threats and ways to reduce those threats. WordPress is also an extremely stable environment thanks to the commitment of the dedicated security team and other fail-safes that have been put in place over the years.

Any web design company can confirm that user experience and safety are the key components of any website. About 70% of consumers report that page loading speeds can affect their decision to work with a business. Unstable platforms equal slow speeds, which in turn equals dissatisfied users that navigate away and never come back. Safety, security, and stability are key to a user’s experience, and WordPress offers all three.

Making SEO Easier

Ask a web design company what the name of the game is, and they will tell you it is search engine optimization. SEO is how search engines find you and connect your site with the user. Search engine optimization means that your website is optimized using content to get the attention of search engines. Of course, it is not quite as simple as having great content. SEO is complex, but WordPress makes it easier to manage.

The CMS is designed to make SEO management simplified. For example, you can set META tags, permalinks, and more to make it easier for web crawlers to determine what your website is about. In other words, WordPress has designed a platform that enhances your SEO.

It’s a Community Affair

WordPress has a tremendous community of users who can help you should you get stuck in a problem. There are community members that work for your local web design company, programmers, developers, other small business owners, and other users. If you have a question, all you have to do is turn to the amazingly large community to find an answer. WordPress has 41% of the market share, more than any other platform.

It is nice to know that there are other people out there that have experience with the issue you are trying to navigate, and are willing to help. The WordPress community is well known for being welcoming and helping each other.

There are forums, videos, and blog posts that address a cornucopia of issues that other users had to figure out. Finding the answers that you need is easy. Ultimately, thanks to this great community, you never have to struggle alone. Whether you have a web design company question, programming question, or an eCommerce question, there is an answer.

It Is Not Only Good For Small Businesses

While you may not be quite there yet, WordPress has the power to support enterprise-level websites. What does that mean to you? It means that you have plenty of room to grow on WordPress, which is great news. You may be a small business today, but in the future, you may find that you have reached the enterprise level. Instead of having to switch platforms, you can stay right where you are and build on what you already have.

You do not have to do it all on your own to enjoy the benefits of WordPress, you can hire a web design company to make the most of the platform and create a visually stunning website that represents your business well. Choose the right web design company and take advantage of all the benefits that WordPress can offer your business.

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