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Cheap WordPress Hosting

Where can I find Cheap WordPress Hosting?

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 There’s no doubt that WordPress is perhaps the best option when it comes to building a website. Cheap WordPress hosting comes with many interesting features and plugins that every website owner would appreciate.

               However, even though WordPress is easy to use, there are some technicalities in the process of running a website. Only tech nerds are capable of doing such tasks. For that reason, many services offer managed WordPress hosting to make the task easy for everyone. Managing a website will be a lot easier with the help of one of the best managed WordPress hosts. Therefore, allowing you to focus on the other areas of your business that will help you expand.

               Perhaps, you’re new to all of this, and you just want to learn before you get into anything. And maybe, you don’t want to spend a lot of money at first, or you just don’t have a big budget. In both of those cases, looking for cheap WordPress hosting is a wise thing.

               This article will be a guide to where you can find cheap WordPress hosting on the internet. We will explore that after we learn some basic things about WordPress hosting.

What is WordPress hosting?  

               To give you a very simple definition of why people use WordPress hosting, there’s this concept of the 3 S’s. The 3 S’s stand for “to simplify, to secure, and to speed up.” Therefore, we may say that WordPress is there to make things easy and smooth for you.

How Does WordPress Hosting Work?

               Various hosting companies offer different services, so there’s no clear definition of how WordPress hosting works.

               Anyway, you have to imagine it like this. Imagine hosting websites as home builders who sell real estate and houses. These hosting services give you space where you have your website. In this case, the website is the house.

You can either buy a house that you take care of, and that would be self-hosted WordPress. Or you can buy a house that takes care of itself and keeps being maintained automatically by a team of experts, and that would be managed WordPress hosting.  

As a consumer, you always want to find the best deals. In this case, you’ll be looking for the best services at the cheapest prices possible without having to compromise on the quality. This is where the search for cheap WordPress hosting and the best WordPress hosting comes.

What Do You Need to Look for in a WordPress Host?

               Well, you’re paying for everything, you’ll need to know what exactly you should look for in a host. It’s a little bit complex to find a great WordPress hosting website among all the options available online, promising things, and even providing free services.

               There are many things to consider in this regard. To make things easy, simple, and (most importantly) short, we will provide you with a concise list that will save you the trouble.

               You’re looking for –

  1. WordPress hosting website that has good server resources — which are essentially bandwidth, memory, processors, etc).
  2. WordPress hosting website that has unique and hard-to-create configurations like staging, NGINX, etc.
  3. WordPress hosting website that has a dedicated/competent support team.
  4. WordPress hosting website that has specific memory allocations and caching.
  5. WordPress hosting website that offers plan bonuses such as WordPress theme, WordPress plugin, builders, free SSL certificate, etc.

Honestly, the price range doesn’t vary a lot between services that offer decent services.

What are the Best Cheap WordPress Hosting websites?

               There are plenty of options online when it comes to cheap WordPress hosting. That’s a fact. Another fact is, you don’t need to check all of them.

               Here we will explore two of the best options, GoDaddy WordPress hosting & AWS WordPress hosting.

GoDaddy WordPress hosting

               GoDaddy is a big name in hosting for many good reasons. Their managed WordPress comes at very low prices compared to the quality of their services. They also have 24/7/365 support via a variety of world-wide phone numbers, which is absolutely amazing.

               GoDaddy WordPress hosting is one of the best options there are.

AWS WordPress

AWS WordPress hosting is a little bit more expensive, but that’s really super-okay because you’ll get the best services there are. Launch a WordPress website with AWS WordPress hosting within minutes.

With AWS WordPress hosting, security, speed, and reliability are the top priorities.

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